1. Vegetarian dishes – Mikhailov V.S., Ignatiev A.D., Safonova L.V. (Cook's Library), 1980, M., “Economics”, soft cover, pp.: 144, with tables, format: 198 x 122 mm, weight: 112 g, circulation: 350,000 copies. Condition: perfect. 500 ₸
The authors provide data on the chemical composition of vegetables and their biological value, and talk about rational methods of primary and thermal processing of these products. The main attention is paid to the technology of preparing first, second and cold courses from various vegetables, root vegetables, as well as canned products produced by the food industry. The book can also be used by housewives.
2. Homemade pickles, jams and marinades - I.N. Rashchenko, 1972, Alma-Ata, “Kainar”, hard cover, pp.: 232, with numerous tables, b/w drawings and color inserts, format: 206 x 130 mm, weight: 228 g, circulation: 400,000 copy Condition: satisfactory (block missing: pp. 203-230). 500 ₸
A book about how to store and properly pickle vegetables, prepare marinades, dry vegetables and fruits, prepare compotes, juices, and drinks.
Not only a young, but also an experienced housewife who makes sure that tasty, nutritious vegetable and fruit dishes are served to the table in the family all year round will find a lot of business advice in it.
It is intended for a wide range of readers.
On Ozon’e the book costs 1,685 tenge.
3. Canning fruits and vegetables at home - A.F. Namestnikov, 1986, M., “Agropomizdat”, soft cover, pp.: 240, with numerous b/w drawings, format: 199 x 126 mm, weight: 182 g, circulation: 600,000 copies. Condition: perfect. 1000 ₸
This revised and expanded edition of the book popularly outlines the basics of canning fruits and vegetables. General techniques for home canning are shown, and the containers and equipment used are described. Particular attention is paid to the range of home-canned goods and compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions.
Methods for preparing fruit compotes, juices, purees, preserves, jams, canned vegetables, marinades, pickles and fermentations are given, drying and freezing of fruits and vegetables, the quality of home-made canned food, their storage conditions, causes and signs of poor quality are described.
The possibilities of using spices and herbs of domestic origin in canning are shown.
On Ozon’e the book costs 2,202 tenge.
4. Milk-vegetarian cuisine - Maria Deleanu, Anna Elenescu, 1965, Bucharest, “Meridians”, soft cover, pp.: 279, with b/w vignettes, format: 200 x 127 mm, weight: 356 g, circulation: not indicated. Condition: close to excellent. 1000 ₸
The book provides nutritional properties of vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products. Their importance in dairy-vegetarian dietary nutrition is described. The book contains 654 dairy-vegetarian recipes. They are easy to do and very diverse. Recipes are given for salads, borscht and cabbage soup, sour and sweet soups, recipes for vegetables as a main course, a second course, dishes made from eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and feta cheese, recipes for various soufflés, babkas, casseroles, sauces, desserts made from vegetables, fruits and berries, dough products and various sweet dishes.
5. About products and consumption culture – E.M. Kanevsky et al., 1984, M., “Economics”, paperback, pp.: 230, with numerous tone drawings, format: 121 x 170 mm, weight: 178 g, circulation: 50,000 copies. Condition: perfect. 500 ₸
In a popular form, the authors talk about how to wisely and economically handle food in the household. The book introduces the most rational cooking techniques. It gives useful tips on canning food at home and preparing it for future use.
6. Fruits: drying, processing, storage - G.Ya. Kosolapova, N.V. Kuznetsova, 1984, Alma-Ata, “Kainar”, soft cover, pp.: 176, with b/w drawings and color insert photographs, format: 198 x 127 mm, weight: 356 g, circulation: 200,000 copies. Condition: almost perfect. 1000 ₸
Nature's pantry. Dried fruits and berries in our diet. How to dry fruits and berries. How to store dried fruits. How to control pests of dried fruit stocks. How and what dishes can be prepared from dried fruits (more than 350 recipes).
On Ozon’e the book costs 2,437 tenge.
Books cost 500 or 1000 tenge, which is almost half their current cost on second-hand book resources in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.
№266867 Created: December 8 2023