1. Baby and Child Care. Completely Revised and Updated for Today’s Parents – Dr. Benjamin Spock, 1976, New York, “Pocket Books”, 11th edition, revised, laminated cover, with b/w illustrations, pp.: 666, format: 116 x 178 mm, weight: 348 g, circulation: not specified. Condition: close to excellent (a number of pages have pencil hairline marks and underlinings).
This book does not intend to teach you how to diagnose or treat yourself. The author wants to give you only a general idea of the child and his needs. True, for those parents who, due to exceptional circumstances, find it difficult to get to the doctor, some sections provide advice on first aid. Better advice from a book than no advice at all! But you can’t rely only on a book if you have the opportunity to get real medical help.
I would also like to emphasize that you should not take everything written in this book too literally. No two children are alike, just as no two parents are alike. Children's illnesses progress differently; problems with upbringing take different forms in different families. All I could do was describe only the most general cases. Remember that you know your child well, but I don't know him at all.
Benjamin McLane Spock is a famous American pediatrician whose cult book "Child Care", published in 1946, is one of the biggest bestsellers in US history. After graduating from school, he entered Yale University, where he initially studied English and literature, and was fond of sports. He was engaged in academic rowing, and as part of the US team he became an Olympic champion at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris. Then Spock chose medicine as his calling.
The original book is simply not available on the second-hand book resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan! In Russian, the “improved” version costs between 3,000 and 6,500 tenge.
2. To the educator about sexology – Kagan V.E., 1991, Moscow, “Pedagogy”, soft cover, pp.: 255, with b/w diagrams, format: 200 x 125 mm, weight: 196 g, circulation: 300,000 copies. Condition: closer to ideal.
The book introduces the reader to the main problems of sexology, reveals the physiological and psychological characteristics of a developing child, age relationships between children and adolescents of both sexes, draws attention to those patterns and principles that must be taken into account in the practice of an educator.
Many specific situations of sex education are considered and tactics of helping children in psychosexual formation by teachers, educators and parents are analyzed.
On Ozon, the book costs more than 5,000 tenge.
3. The only child - Bazdyrev K.K., 1983, Moscow, "Finances and Statistics", soft cover, pp.: 120, with tables, format: 198 x 127 mm, weight: 96 g, circulation: 50,000 copies. Condition: close to excellent.
At all weddings, newlyweds are wished happiness in family life. And what is it, family happiness? What are the conditions for a happy family life? Why do 60% of families have one child today? Why does the first child often remain the only one in the family? Are we doing everything to increase the birth rate? What are the possibilities of demographic policy at the present stage? This book is about these and many other problems of the modern family.
On Ozon, the book costs 1,998 tenge, but there is no delivery to our region.
4. The culture of family relations. Collection of articles, 1985, Moscow, “Knowledge”, 2nd edition, additional and revised, soft cover, pp.: 176, with tables, format: 200 x 131 mm, weight: 162 g, circulation: 200,000 copies. Condition: closer to ideal, taking into account the level of printing and the quality of paper at the time of publication!
This collection is a manual to help teachers and students of universities in the culture of family relations. Philosophers, sociologists, economists, teachers, psychoneurologists and other specialists participated in its creation. The collection covers a set of knowledge about the family, necessary for solving problems typical of modern marital and family relations.
On second-hand book resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the book was sold for 2,219 tenge.
5. We and Our Children – Lena and Boris Nikitin, 1979, Moscow, “Young Guard”, soft cover, pp.: 206, with b/w photographs and drawings, format: 200 x 126 mm, weight: 190 g, circulation: 150,000 copies. Condition: perfect!
The first edition of the famous book. Nikitin Boris Pavlovich, Nikitina Lena Alekseevna. The mother and father of seven children share their experience of physical and moral education, an experience that is far from traditional, unusual, but has become widespread both in our country and abroad. According to many scientists, doctors and teachers, the Nikitin education system has successfully stood the test of time.
The book is sold on second-hand book resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 3,875, but there is no delivery to our region.
6. An Unconventional Child – Vladimir Levi, 1989, Moscow, “Knowledge”, 3rd edition, soft cover, pp.: 255, with b/w half-titles, format: 199 x 127 mm, weight: 197 g, circulation: 250,000 copies. Condition: perfect!
This book combines the properties of a textbook and a novel, it is about children and not only about children.
A child as a person and a person as a child: communication between an older child and a younger one; children who are not like others; intimate education; the art of suggestion... The new edition has a wider range of questions, deeper approaches, more practice, compared to the first.
For the family, for parents and teachers, for everyone - a book about Man. About understanding and love.
On second-hand bookstores in Kazakhstan the book is sold for 2,695, but there is no delivery to our region.
All books (except item 1: 2,000 tenge) are sold for 1,000 tenge, which is 2 or more times lower than the market price of books at second-hand bookstores in Kazakhstan.
№266802 Created: November 27 2023