1. Vestdijk Simon - Pastoral of the forty-third year, Stories, Netherlands, 1973, M., “Rainbow”, hard fabric cover, pp.: 430, with b/w drawings, format: 149 x 206 mm, weight: 466 g. Condition: near perfect (the spine of the book is slightly faded).
The book by the author from the Netherlands Simon Westdijk includes the following works: the novel “Pastoral of '43” and the stories: “Three Landsknechts”, “One, Two, Three, Four, Five”, “Crossing” and others. Optimism, faith in the ultimate victory of man over evil and violence - at any cost, under any circumstances, constitute the most valuable core in the entire vast and diverse work of S. Westdijk and, together with outstanding artistic skill, place him on a par with the best representatives world art of the 20th century.
2. Kant Hermann – Assembly Hall. Imprint, GDR, 1987, M., “Rainbow”, hard cover, pp.: 718, with b/w frontispieces, format: 147 x 206 mm, weight: 927 g, circulation: 100,000 copies. Condition: perfect!
Hermann Kant is one of the greatest German writers of the 20th century, a multiple winner of the National Prize of the GDR.
With his novels “Assembly Hall” (1965) and “Imprint” (1972), G. Kant contributed to the world fame of GDR literature.
The novel “Assembly Hall” is about young builders of socialism, students of the workers’ and peasants’ faculty. At the center of the novel is an artistic analysis of the complex contradictory process of the formation of a new, socialist personality.
“Imprint” is a novel about a simple worker who went through a difficult life path and became a minister.
3. Köppen Wolfgang – Pigeons in the grass. Greenhouse. Death in Rome, Germany, 1972, M., “Progress”, hard fabric cover, pp.: 507, with b/w frontispieces, format: 149 x 205 mm, weight: 543 g, circulation: not specified. Condition: perfect!
The novel “Pigeons in the Grass” describes one day in a large West German city during the beginning of the so-called “economic miracle”. The writer shows the fragility and fragility of the well-being created in the atmosphere of the Cold War. The novel “Greenhouse” conveys the atmosphere of the behind-the-scenes parliamentary struggle. The novel “Death in Rome” is about the ominous symptoms of neo-Nazism in Germany. The image of the seasoned SS man Yudeyan is a satirical generalization that has no equal in modern German literature.
4. Pavese Cesare – Wonderful Summer. Devil in the hills. Comrade. Moon and fires, Italy, 1974, M., “Progress”, hard fabric cover, pp.: 485, with b/w frontispieces, format: 149 x 205 mm, weight: 1,032 g, edition: not specified. Condition: near perfect (the book's spine and top edge of the back cover are faded).
Cesare Pavese is one of the greatest Italian writers of the 20th century, a master of lyrical, emotional prose. The main motives of the writer’s work are showing the contrast between the village and the city, contrasting the purity of human feelings with the soullessness and cruelty of the bourgeois world. Picturesque pictures of rural nature and the city landscape echo the experiences of the characters trying to find their way in harsh reality.
5. Heinesen William – The Black Cauldron. Lost musicians. Denmark, 1974, M., “Progress”, hard fabric cover, pp.: 527, with b/w frontispieces and drawings, format: 147 x 206 mm, weight: 545 g, circulation: not specified. Condition: near perfect (the spine of the book is slightly faded).
William Heinesen is one of the most famous writers of the Faroe Islands. He wrote mainly in Danish. Also known as a composer and artist. Some of his works have been translated into Russian: the novels “The Black Cauldron”, “The Lost Musicians” and “The Tower at the End of the World”. In 1965, Heinesen was awarded the Nordic Council Literary Prize. Heinesen was always interested in the unknown and unknown, but called himself a religious person in the broadest sense of the word. His life can be characterized as a struggle against defeatism. The action of the novel “The Black Cauldron” takes place during the Second World War and depicts the fundamental changes caused in the life of the Faroe Islands, where British troops land and commercial contacts with England gradually develop. The original occupation of the islands' sailors - fishing - is becoming extremely dangerous and at the same time very profitable business. The novel is intended to expose the deception and restore the true picture of wartime events. The novel “The Lost Musicians” is a unique response to historical events. Increased international tension and the threat of a new world catastrophe plunges many writers into a pessimistic mood. Despite the tragedy of the story, the novel is not devoid of faith in man and is addressed to the younger generation.
6. She Lao - Rickshaw. Notes about the cat city. Under purple banners. Stories. Old ox Broken cart. China, 1981, M., “Progress”, hard fabric cover, pp.: 512, with b/w frontispieces, format: 150 x 206 mm, weight: 526 g, circulation: not specified. Condition: perfect!
Lao She is one of the largest Chinese prose writers of the twentieth century, the author of numerous novels, stories and plays that are included in the golden fund of modern Chinese literature.
Each book is sold for 500 tenge, but bargaining is appropriate
№267714 Created: February 8 2024