1. A Book for Aural/Oral Work – T.I. Matyushkina-Gerke, T.N. Kuzmichyova, L.L. Ivanova, 1979, M., “Higher School”, paperback, p. 191; format: 125 x 198 mm, weight: 182 g, circulation: 40,000 copies. Condition: close to perfect!
The purpose of this manual is to further develop the skills of auditory perception of speech and speaking skills; expanding students' language knowledge; improvement of oral speech within the limits of conversational and grammatical topics provided for in the 1st year program of philological faculties of universities and pedagogical universities.
Text material includes thematic dialogues, plot passages and informational and journalistic articles, a variety of training and creative exercises for the development of oral speech skills.
2. Drama Techniques in Language Learning – A. Maley, A. Duff, 1981. M., “Enlightenment”, paperback, p. 96, format: 127 x 198 mm, weight: 82 g, circulation: 60,000 copies. Condition: closer to good.
Reissue of a book by English authors. In “dramatization” - the elements of theatrical action discussed in the book, the authors see an effective means of mastering the target language. At the same time, elements of naturalness and unpredictability are introduced into learning, which usually accompany real communication situations.
The drama activities in this teaching guide are designed to develop second language learning skills by constructing situations that require the student to concentrate on the meaning and emotional content of language rather than on its structure. In an attempt to involve the whole personality of the learner in the acquisition of language, the handbook stresses the importance of setting or physical environment, the role that the learner is to assume, and consideration of the mood, attitude, feelings, and unspoken assumptions that are part of real conversation. Each of the outlined activities concentrates on developing natural language in one of a variety of situations that include the following: interpreting listening and breathing exercises; sensory experiences; identifying real objects; descriptions of objects, clothing, or unusual objects; playing with letters, verbs, or split sentences; picture sets; conversations in sound; mime sketches; persuasion; describing other conversations; and composing alibis.
3. Elements of British and American English – Karol Janicki, 1977, Warszawa, “Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe”, paperback, p. 138; with tables and b/w drawings, format: 215 x 197 mm, weight: 149 g, circulation: 7,280 copies. Condition: close to perfect!
This book is intended for those learning English who often wonder how the British version differs from the American one. Even though the book was published four decades ago, it is still relevant. The book is addressed to everyone who has basic knowledge of the English language. Comparison of two versions of the English language takes place at the following levels: phonetics (pronunciation and intonation), vocabulary, phraseology, grammar and morphology.
The book is not for sale in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. In Poland, the average price for a book is 10 zlotys without delivery costs, and ONLY within Poland. (1 zloty = 113.18 tenge)
4. English Grammar in Dialogues. The Use of Tenses. English grammar in dialogues: the use of tenses (Textbook for students of institutes and facts of foreign languages) - N.I. Shpekina, N.I. Tsaplina, E.M. Alekseeva et al., 1986, M., “Higher School”, paperback, p. 207; format: 200 x 125 mm, circulation: 30,000 copies. Condition: perfect!
The functioning of the system of aspectual and tense forms of the English verb is shown in the manual using samples of dialogic speech taken from the best works of English and American writers of the 19th and 20th centuries.
The purpose of the manual is to develop speech skills based on the use of aspectual and tense forms of the English verb.
5. Exercises in English Prepositions – B.N. Aksenenko, 1962, Leningrad, “Uchpedgiz”, soft cover, pp.: 166, format: 129 x 200 mm, weight: 139 g, circulation 42,000. Condition: perfect!
A manual for students of pedagogical institutes and philological faculties of universities. The book was the first reference book to describe the use of prepositions in the English language in relatively detail. It examines prepositions in combination with significant words and gives meanings, as well as a semantic classification of these combinations. The book is intended both for systematic study and for use as a reference book. There are keys to some exercises.
6. How to use passive constructions in speech practice (Passive constructions in speech practice) - Bulgakova A.M. (In English), 1978, M., “Higher School”, paperback, p. 104; with b/w drawings and tables, format: 125 x 198 mm, weight: 88 g, circulation: 25,000 copies. Condition: perfect!
The purpose of the manual is to automate the skill of using passive constructions in various communication situations. It consists of a printed program containing visual exercises and an audio program containing only auditory exercises. In all exercises, the student’s speech reaction is uniquely programmed by the stimulus task or the speaker’s stimulus cue. Text material (dialogues, jokes, short stories) is built on commonly used vocabulary.
Intended for junior students of language universities and philological faculties of universities.
7. In the Green World (In the world of plants) – I.P. Mitrofanova, 1961, M., “Uchpedgiz”, paperback, p. 112; with b/w titles, format: 129 x 199 mm, weight: 97 g, circulation: 30,000 copies. Condition: close to good (the upper part of the spine is slightly torn).
This manual is intended for senior students at pedagogical institutes and foreign language departments. It involves working on oral speech on the material of one topic - In the world of plants and consists of several sections. Each subtopic section includes one or two main texts. All text material is borrowed from original sources - works of English and American fiction writers. When selecting texts, the possibility of their activation was taken into account (the presence of dialogic speech, specific vocabulary). The compiler sought to ensure maximum repetition of vocabulary. Each section, in addition to texts, includes dialogues, as well as a variety of language and speech exercises that reinforce the vocabulary and idiom of the corresponding subtopic. Special training exercises have been introduced, the purpose of which is to consolidate one or another conversational formula or construction. The teacher is provided with a wide selection of material for various kinds of extracurricular and club work. At the end of the manual there is an alphabetical Russian-English dictionary that systematizes the lexical material of the manual. Several stories are provided as an appendix for independent reading.
8. Practical English in Patterns (Laboratory work in English for the second year of institutes and departments of foreign languages) - T.I. Matyushkina-Gerke, T.N. Kuzmichyova, L.L. Ivanova, 1974, M., “Higher School”, paperback, p. 215; format: 126 x 198 mm, weight: 169 g, circulation: 40,000 copies. Condition: excellent!
This manual is a collection consisting of original texts of a dialogical nature. The exercises are speech-oriented and are intended for independent work by students.
The cost of each book is 500 tenge.
№268363 Created: March 21 2024