The Financial Monitoring Agency has launched a pre-trial investigation into the alleged financial pyramid scheme Chia Tai Tianging in Almaty
The growth of housing prices in Kazakhstan may slow down, according to economists. And they attribute this to a decrease in demand for square meters. There are not enough affordable mortgage programs in the country. As a result, they also began to build less. Small companies were under threat of closure.
In Shymkent, disabled people and large families were settled in a house in which it is impossible to live. People have received rental apartments where there is no gas and electricity. You even have to cook outside.
The number of housing transactions in Kazakhstan has been approximately at the same level since the beginning of the year. In March, Kazakhstanis sold and bought real estate 24,273 times, which is 0.6 percent more than in February.
A car with a powerful suspension and sports seats hugging the body may seem very funny, and so it is. However, sometimes all you need is something that will gently and comfortably take you home from the office or go somewhere with your family. Based on this, here is a list of the most comfortable cars available for sale today.
Earnings in the luxury real estate market have always been attractive to investors. Such objects grow significantly in price every year. In addition, the interest from tenants and buyers is quite stable.
Trying to pay cash for all your various sources of debt at the same time can be tempting. However, not all debt is created equally. Certain types of debt come with other benefits they don't have – such as tax deductibility.