We are looking for specialists to work in the UAE
Listing removed from published June 14

We are looking for specialists to work in the UAE

Created: May 15
We are looking for specialists to work in the UAE Almaty - photo 1
Address: Almaty, Kazakhstan
We are looking for specialists to work in the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia:
Masters of manicure, pedicure, eyelash extensions, permanent makeup, makeup artists, massage therapists, hairdressers, hairdressing assistants, barbers, cosmetologists with medical education and administrators.
We offer:
Salary $1000-2000 + tips, a full package of social guarantees, the opportunity to work in the best beauty salons, a contract for 1-2 years and full support in obtaining a visa.
Tell your friends about the opportunity, maybe they are the ones looking for such a job. Best regards, Alikhan Abdirov, JobWise.
Created: May 15
Алихан Абдиров
Was online may 15 01:48
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