It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!

It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!

Created: April 28 2022
It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!  - photo 1
It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!  - photo 2
It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!  - photo 3
It is necessary for a suitable accommodation for the ZSU humanitarian!  - photo 4
The company from Kharkov, according to the production of dehydrogenated products, will require a free application for the production of dry. rations for our ZSU warriors! (Humanitarian help). At the same time, we plan to launch a line of dehydrated m & # 039, jar. If you can take it, cleanly, with water and sewerage (3 phases of bazhano), you can pass it on time to food and drink, we’ll be better. Not for commercial activity! Just preparing products for ZSU! Dehydrated m & # 039, I can have a great calorie content, a great quantity of proteins and a great term of admissibility. Zruchno that zhivno in any situation. Let's help our ZSU in the body! Location: Truskovets, Drohobych
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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