Need a good laptop read, write

Need a good laptop read, write

Created: April 28 2022
Need a good laptop read, write  - photo 1
I’ll take it, I’ll buy a laptop for work, 3-D, study, games, I’ll buy from 7000 to + - 13000, depending on what hardware or how we agree (if someone is leaving or has an extra one or needs money, I’ll be glad to help you out and you me,) (I wanted I would like something newer, Intel 8000 series or Ryzen) I will buy olx delivery or cash on delivery if you can immediately, I will consider all options (due to the situation in the country, this is my entire budget so far, the state has not paid anything, and I am from the Kharkiv region. .. volunteer) I will be grateful to everyone have a good day: 3 ^_^
Created: April 28 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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