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Tokayev signed the law on the conservation of natural resources of Kazakhstan.

Tokayev signed the law on the conservation of natural resources of Kazakhstan.

Tokayev signed the law on the conservation of natural resources of Kazakhstan.

The Head of State approved the law «On the production and turnover of Organic Products», which is aimed at preserving and effectively using natural resources, promoting healthy nutrition and developing the organic goods market. The document also introduces several new rules: first, it reviews the goals and objectives of national legislation on organic products. Secondly, the list of producers of organic products is being expanded to include, along with individuals and legal entities, also associations of producers (simple partnerships) that are engaged in the production of organic products. Third, the law sets out the conditions for the transition to organic production, as well as defines the requirements for its production, labeling and turnover. Fourth, in order to comply with international standards and practices in the field of organic production, the provisions of the joint Guarantee System (PGS) are introduced, based on the principles of voluntary participation, internal control and collective responsibility for product quality. The text of the law will be published in the press.

In addition, President Tokayev signed two more laws: «On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the production and turnover of organic products» and «On Amendments and Additions to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan». Their texts will also be published in the press.

As reported on the official website of the Mazhilis in March, the new law" On the production and turnover of organic products " introduces control over its implementation. «This control will help protect the rights of consumers and public health, prevent the turnover of products sold under the guise of» organic", protect domestic producers from unfair competition from importers with false labeling, " said MP Aidarbek Khojanazarov. The accompanying amendments provide for subsidizing 50% of the cost of the certificate of conformity and organic fertilizers. In addition, the amendments to the Administrative Code exclude liability for violation of legislation in the field of organic production, due to the exclusion of the relevant control functions of akimats.

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