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  • "Our market will be protected": the head of the Ministry of Transport told why Kazakhstan needs scrap collection

"Our market will be protected": the head of the Ministry of Transport told why Kazakhstan needs scrap collection

«Наш рынок будет защищен»: глава Минтранспорта рассказал, зачем Казахстану нужен утильсбор 

«Наш рынок будет защищен»: глава Минтранспорта рассказал, зачем Казахстану нужен утильсбор 

Let's look at the situation with the recycling fee for cars in Kazakhstan in more detail. First, according to Marat Karabayev, he did not sign the proposed petition. He also noted that the market of new cars sold in Kazakhstan is mainly represented by cars of such brands as Hyundai, Kia and Chinese brands. He added that he always defended the need for a recycling fee when he served as Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development. Marat Karabayev also pointed out the importance of this measure for the future of Kazakhstan and the need to protect the domestic market.

Next year, the production of cars that can be purchased without a recycling fee will be launched. This is a big plus for Kazakhstanis, as they will be able to purchase domestic cars without additional costs for recycling. Meanwhile, a recycling fee will be charged for imported cars. The funds received from the recycling fee will be used for the development of agriculture and car loans. This will improve the living conditions of Kazakhstanis and contribute to the development of the country's economy. Thus, the state is taking steps to support the national manufacturer and improve the conditions for purchasing cars for the population. Ultimately, this will contribute to the development of the automotive industry and create new jobs in the country.

Kazakhstan took the necessary measures to introduce a recycling fee, which, in turn, helped attract well-known automobile brands such as Hyundai and Kia, including Chinese manufacturers, to the country. This fact led to the construction of a multi-brand automobile plant in Almaty, specializing in the production of Chinese cars. In addition, it is worth noting that waste disposal plants already exist in Karaganda and are physically ready for operation. At the moment, they are temporarily inactive, but their launch is planned for the future.

It should be recalled that at the end of May, a petition against the recycling fee in Kazakhstan gained more than 50 thousand signatures. The authors of the petition believe that the introduction of this fee 8 years ago led to the disappearance of competition and, as a result, to a sharp increase in prices for cars, agricultural and special equipment.

However, it is worth noting that the recycling fee is an integral part of the sustainable development strategy of the automotive industry. It promotes environmental safety and minimizes the negative impact on the environment. Moreover, the introduction of such measures allows attracting international investment and developing its own car production in the country. Thus, the recycling fee has its own advantages and advantages that must be taken into account when analyzing this issue.

In Kazakhstan, there is a sharp increase in prices for motor transport and mechanization. It is becoming difficult for citizens to afford the purchase of new cars and mechanized equipment. This leads to a catastrophic aging of the vehicle fleet in the country, as people stop updating their cars due to high prices. The petition signed by citizens expresses concern about the situation and demands measures to reduce prices for motor vehicles and their registration.

The statement of deputies of the Mazhilis on the need to reduce prices for scrap collection and primary registration of cars indicates broad public support for this initiative. They point out that the aging of the vehicle fleet has negative consequences for the economy and road safety. At the same time, the agency emphasizes its unwavering position on this issue, which creates uncertainty about possible measures and changes in the future.

The Ministry of Industry and Construction in March confirms its unwavering position on the issue of prices for motor transport. This causes public discussion and misunderstanding, as the situation with the fleet continues to deteriorate, and decisions at the level of the department are not received.

Recently, the Agency has been actively working to improve the competitiveness of domestic production and develop internal waste management infrastructure. This indicates the desire to increase environmental responsibility and ensure sustainable development in the country. The rapidly developing field of recycling collection causes fierce discussions and disputes in various spheres of society. Despite this, the implementation of waste management measures remains one of the key priorities for the Government.

Recently, the heads of the ministry noted the importance of continuing to strengthen the country's position on the world market and create favorable conditions for local producers. Special attention is paid to the development of innovative methods of waste disposal and recycling, which will allow us to achieve new successes in the field of ecology and sustainable development.

According to First Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar, improving the environmental situation and ensuring the sustainability of the industry are an integral part of the government's strategy. In his interview, he also stressed the need for coordinated actions in the field of waste management and called for strengthening cooperation between public and private entities.

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