Board game: Evergreen 25 600 ₸

Board game: Evergreen

Created: March 11
Address: Настольная игра: Зеленый мир (Evergreen), Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Welcome to the wonderful world of "Green World"! This is a beautiful strategy board game in which your task is to create the most efficient and beautiful ecosystem on your planet.

Game Features:

Strategic Ecosystem Building: You'll cultivate forests, transforming saplings into mighty trees and ensuring they get enough sunlight and grow in fertile soil.
Biome Selection: Choose from a selection of biome cards to determine where saplings will spawn or trees will be grown each round. Unselected cards are also important as they affect the fertility of biomes.
Ecosystem Building: To create a huge forest, you will need to place trees, bushes and lakes, using the forces of nature to gain additional actions.
Dynamic development: The game continues for 14 rounds, divided into four seasons, with a gradual decrease in the number of rounds. You start with five rounds in the spring and end with just two in the winter.
Score and Win: The game ends at the end of the last season, and the winner is the player who has accumulated the most victory points for a beautiful and efficient ecosystem.
Who is it suitable for:

Strategy game lovers: For those who value deep strategic decisions and want to build their own unique world.
Fans of nature and ecology: The game offers a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural world, grow a forest and create a picturesque ecosystem.
Players who prefer single player: Single player mode with a bot allows you to enjoy the game and build an ecosystem even without other players.
Take the challenge and create an amazing "Green World" on your planet! Develop your strategy, protect nature and win by creating the most beautiful and efficient ecosystem.
Created: March 11
Was online april 30 05:46
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25 600 ₸
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Was online april 30 05:46
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