Bodybuilding for beginners 500 ₸

Bodybuilding for beginners

Created: February 17 2023
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 1
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 2
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 3
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 4
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 5
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 6
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 7
Bodybuilding for beginners Almaty - photo 8
Address: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Condition: New 
Bodybuilding for beginners - Oscar Heidenshtam, 2000, M., "Fair-Press", paperback, p. 185, with b / w drawings and photographs; format: 200 x 125 mm, weight: 112 g, circulation: 10,000 copies. Condition: perfect!

The book will be an excellent guide for anyone who wants to keep fit or dreams of bodybuilding championships. To do this, you only need an expander, dumbbells, a barbell, a crossbar and perseverance. Everything else you will find in the methodological developments of the book, which guarantee that in a year the excess fat deposits or thinness will go away and your body will become elastic, muscular and strong. Exercises, techniques, movements, including presses, shrugs, pullovers and deadlifts, are described and illustrated in detail.

For a wide range of readers.

On Ozon, the book was sold for 7,679 tenge, but ended
Created: February 17 2023
Was online january 28 22:01
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500 ₸
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