Canon Mini Divi Video Camera is EXCELLENT 15 500 ₸

Canon Mini Divi Video Camera is EXCELLENT

Created: November 15 2023
Canon Mini Divi Video Camera is EXCELLENT  - photo 1
Canon Mini Divi Video Camera is EXCELLENT  - photo 2
Canon Mini Divi Video Camera is EXCELLENT  - photo 3
DESCRIPTION The Canon Mini Divi 800i video camera is almost new. MV800i is a digital video camera with 800 thousand pixels and 20x optical zoom. The model includes: electronic image stabilizer (EIS); 16:9 high resolution mode with letterbox display format; double neutral density filter; webcam capabilities. Will shoot on cassette tapes. Resets captured video directly from the camera to the computer. Maximum battery life: 2. hours Works in night shooting mode. Lightweight; mobile
Created: November 15 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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15 500 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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