Electrician services 3500 tg/hour Electrician, Plumber, Husband for an hour

Electrician services 3500 tg/hour Electrician, Plumber, Husband for an hour

Created: May 17 2022
Electrician services 3500 tg/hour Electrician, Plumber, Husband for an hour Ust-Kamenogorsk - photo 1
Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Electrician 3500 tenge/hour The work is carried out according to the norms, before ordering the manager immediately informs the estimated cost (from and to) and announces how long it will take but time. Electrician services - Repair and installation of electrical wiring - Wall chasing - Closed electrical wiring, laying in the strobe and along the ceiling (price per meter of wire) - Open electrical wiring, laying along walls and ceiling (price per meter of wire) - Troubleshooting electrical wiring (with closed electrical wiring wall chasing will be required) - Replacement and installation of electric meters - Replacement and installation of circuit breakers, difautomatic devices, RCDs (time depends on the number of installed modules) - Replacement and installation of sockets - Replacement and installation of switches - Replacement and installation of chandeliers and lamps - Installation of internal electrical panels - Installation voltage stabilizers PAYMENT TERMS Hourly payment. If the work is done up to one and a half hours (1 hour 15 minutes), payment for the second hour is not required. If the employee has worked 1 hour 16 minutes, the payment is made at the established rate for the following hours.
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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