Driving lessons on your car (Autoinstructor)Ust-Kamenagorsk

Driving lessons on your car (Autoinstructor)Ust-Kamenagorsk

Created: May 12 2022
Driving lessons on your car (Autoinstructor)Ust-Kamenagorsk Ust-Kamenogorsk - photo 1
Address: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
It just so happened that driving schools do not teach you how to drive a car. No matter how sad it may sound, but the main task of a driving school is to provide students with a driver's license. How to be in this difficult situation? After all, the rights will be in your hands, but you will still be afraid of the road! The solution is very simple: — You need a driving instructor! Our goal is to give you results!
There are no people who are not able to drive a car - there are people who have been taught incorrectly.
Who is contacting us? Girls and guys who doubt that they will be able to learn how to ride safely. Those who doubt they are teachable at all. And also those who are tired of being constantly afraid on the road, afraid of rebuilding and U-turns, the Baiterek rings! And the parking is HORRIBLE!!
We very often hear from students that in a driving school they were shouted at, constantly cursed and tried to take more without giving anything in return. And they, even having received the rights and for the first time sitting behind the wheel, feel panic fear on the roads of Ust-Kamenogorsk
Advantages: We train from any level. The instructor himself goes to the place where your car is located.
Individual training program. Opportunity to learn on your own car, getting used to the dimensions of your own car. Gearbox and steering wheel position does not matter! Working out the necessary routes, Working out all the rings of Ust-Kamenogorsk, become the Lord of the Rings! =) Analysis of all traffic situations, including contravariable elements. This and much more awaits you in our classes. Hundreds of people trust us and we value our reputation very much.
Studying programs:
1. Route development Together we will master driving on your routes (HOME-WORK-HOME), kindergarten, school, etc. Thanks to this, you will be able to choose the best routes and get to your destinations as comfortably as possible.
2. Elimination of fears and worries behind the wheel In Ust-Kamenogorsk, very dense traffic on the rings and intersections, literally, crazy. We pay great attention to the development of stress resistance and the elimination of various psychological clamps. In the future, driving will be as easy as using a smartphone. And we will pay special attention to training concentration and attention to detail.
3. Restoring your skills after a long break Very often we are approached by girls who once drove and stopped driving a car. After a few years of hiatus, the skill is lost and when you get behind the wheel again, you feel that fear binds you.
The training takes place on your car only. The location of the steering wheel and gearbox does not matter! 100% GUARANTEE OF RESULT! Price 3000 hour. 1 lesson lasts 2 hours (120 min) When buying 10 lessons, a 10% discount All details by phone
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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