Babysitting services at home

Babysitting services at home

Created: May 18 2022
Address: Oral, Kazakhstan
I offer babysitting services in my home. I sit with babies and children up to school age. Personal qualities: - Well-mannered and polite, - Friendly and benevolent, - Attentive, - Responsible, - Executive, - Calm and balanced character. My duties as a nanny include: - 5 day working day from 9:00 to 18:00, - Full child care, - Cooking for the child, - Cleaning the children's room, - Laundry of children's things, - Compliance with the child's daily routine, - Games, classes (according to age), - Development of the child according to traditional methods (taking into account the individual characteristics of the child), - Instilling self-service skills, - Gymnastics. My duties as a nanny for a baby include: - Hygiene procedures for a child, bathing, - Cooking for a baby, feeding him, - All-round development of a child, games, - Walking in the fresh air, getting to know the crumbs with the outside world, - Washing and ironing children's things, cleaning children's room.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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