Firmware 20000 tg. PROMOTION UNTIL MAY 9. Euro2. Chip tuning.

Firmware 20000 tg. PROMOTION UNTIL MAY 9. Euro2. Chip tuning.

Created: May 12 2022
Firmware 20000 tg. PROMOTION UNTIL MAY 9. Euro2. Chip tuning. Oral - photo 1
Firmware 20000 tg. PROMOTION UNTIL MAY 9. Euro2. Chip tuning. Oral - photo 2
Firmware 20000 tg. PROMOTION UNTIL MAY 9. Euro2. Chip tuning. Oral - photo 3
Address: Oral, Kazakhstan
• EURO2, lambda probe, • STAGE power increase, • Elimination of "CHECK ENGINE", • After removal of the catalyst, Action until May 9!!! Kia, Hyundai, Renault - 20000 tenge. Toyota, Subaru, Nissan -25000 tenge. For specification of the prices, inform the data of a car: model, volume, year. Work experience - more than 3 years. Guarantee. You can contact by number: +77771951839 Anatoly If I don’t answer, write to WhatsApp
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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