Cables of different brands GOST production Russia 100 ₸

Cables of different brands GOST production Russia

Created: May 23 2022
Cables of different brands GOST production Russia Oral - photo 1
Cables of different brands GOST production Russia Oral - photo 2
Cables of different brands GOST production Russia Oral - photo 3
Cables of different brands GOST production Russia Oral - photo 4
Cables of different brands GOST production Russia Oral - photo 5
Address: Oral, Kazakhstan
Cables of different types available and under the order in any quantity. GOST quality. All certificates, we provide accompanying documentation. VVG, PUGVVP, PV3, ShVVVP, PVS, PGVVP, VBSHV, KG, SIP, AVVGSHV, VBSHV, KGTP, AVVG, ASB, etc. Affordable prices, in installments and on credit. Sholokhova 11/5 Shop Akzharyk
Created: May 23 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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