Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World 2 000 ₸

Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World

Created: May 31 2022
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 1
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 2
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 3
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 4
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 5
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 6
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 7
Roborovsky hamster in the pet store Living World Oral - photo 8
Address: Oral, Kazakhstan
One of the smallest species of the hamster family. Adult individuals reach a length of up to 4-5 cm and weigh about 30 grams. The head and back are sandy-gold in color, the belly is white. There are light spots above the eyes. They live in sandy areas in shallow sandy burrows with 1-2 passages. Active at dusk and at night. They breed from May to September. The female is able to bring 3-4 litters per season. There can be from 3 to 9 cubs in one litter. The female becomes sexually mature at the age of 3-4 weeks, but successful reproduction, as a rule, begins from 4-5 months. Pregnancy lasts 19-22 days. Cubs become independent 4 weeks after birth. LIVING WORLD stores have a huge selection of products for rodents. And also you can get acquainted with other interesting goods on our website You can order ANY rodent from us. Delivery is carried out within 10-14 days. When applying for an amount over 4000 tenge, delivery in the city of Almaty is free. Also there is a delivery across all Kazakhstan. In the city of Almaty we are located at Tole bi, 160 corner of Auezov +77081853126 and Shevchenko, 112 corner of Baitursynov +77762399411. We work daily from 9:00 to 19:00, without days off and a lunch break. Delivery WhatsApp + 77714099922 We are waiting for you in our stores LIVING WORLD.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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