Cleaning petrol injectors! Ultrasonic washing (nozzles).

Cleaning petrol injectors! Ultrasonic washing (nozzles).

Created: May 13 2022
Cleaning petrol injectors! Ultrasonic washing (nozzles). Oral - photo 1
Address: Oral, Kazakhstan
High-quality ultrasonic cleaning of gasoline injectors in Uralsk. Our auto repair shop services cars of all makes and models. The main cause of injector clogging is poor quality gasoline. In turn, the condition of the injectors directly affects the operation of your car's engine. It is recommended to carry out ultrasonic cleaning of injectors every 50-60 thousand km. Our address: Uralsk, st. Grigory Potanin 1A (former Polevaya st. 1A). We work daily, from 10:00 to 19:00. Call us on the phone, or write to WhatsApp: +7 777 973 05 05
Created: May 13 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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