It- outsourcing of servers, networks in Tver 3 866 rub

It- outsourcing of servers, networks in Tver

Created: January 29 2022
It- outsourcing of servers, networks in Tver Tver - photo 1
It- outsourcing of servers, networks in Tver Tver - photo 2
It- outsourcing of servers, networks in Tver Tver - photo 3
Address: Tver, Russia
IT outsourcing of computers, servers, networks

The IT division of the Industrial Group of Companies offers - Computer service, repair, outsourcing. Software for enterprises.

Network integration:
Installation of computer and telephone networks;
Solving information security issues;
Supply of servers, data storage systems and backup systems;
Design, installation of video surveillance systems, time tracking systems, access control systems;
Selection and supply of the necessary equipment.
Development of web applications and implementation of portal solutions:
Implementation of intranet portals based on "1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal";

Implementation of intranet portals based on Microsoft Sharepoint.
System integration:
Technical support of IT infrastructure;
Subscriber service of organizations;
Remote user support;
IT audit;
Video conferencing.
Automation of trade enterprises:
Automation of warehouse accounting;
Selection of the necessary software and commercial equipment;
Supply of software and commercial equipment;
Connecting commercial equipment;
Training users to work with programs and equipment.
Automation of large, medium and small businesses:
Accounting automation based on 1C:Enterprise;
Implementation of electronic document management systems and means of collective work;
Creation of financial management and accounting systems;
Implementation of efficiency improvement systems (CPM);
Building personnel management systems;
Automation of procurement and inventory management;
Implementation of customer relationship management systems (CRM);
Automation of production accounting;
Construction of complex information systems that automate various aspects of the enterprise.
Wide-profile distribution of IT-Products:
HP Inc., HPE, IBM, Dell, Intel, AMD, Sony, Asus, Acer, Fujitsu, Canon, Epson, Toshiba, Xerox, Cisco, D-link, Avaya, Panasonic, LG, Samsung, ViewSonic, Rittal, Ippon, APC, Cabbofil, Legrand, DKC, Lexmark and many more.
IT Outsourcing:
Technical support of IT infrastructure.
We sell high-quality servers and server components at a bargain price. We supply servers and server hardware of famous brands HP, Dell, IBM. Each unit is tested before sale. All components receive a workload for many hours, in the process we observe their behavior and offer customers only the best. All components included in our range are in good technical condition.
Created: January 29 2022
Was online january 10 13:31
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3 866 rub
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