Diagnostics, repair of ventilation automation 1 837 rub

Diagnostics, repair of ventilation automation

Created: January 29 2022
Diagnostics, repair of ventilation automation Tver - photo 1
Diagnostics, repair of ventilation automation Tver - photo 2
Diagnostics, repair of ventilation automation Tver - photo 3
Address: Tver, Russia
We carry out diagnostics and repair of ventilation control electronics.
Ventilation control boards. Control panels. Controllers for ventilation. Sensors.
Speed controllers. Frequency converters. Actuators for air dampers. Modern automatic complexes are equipped with various equipment, both analog and digital, which includes three main groups:

Sensory devices and sensors. This group includes various means of collecting information about the real state of the system in terms of various parameters: temperature, pressure, air humidity, current strength, etc. The received information is converted into an electrical signal, which is fed to the input of the controller;
Regulators and controllers. This group of devices collects and analyzes data received from sensors and, based on the analysis, gives commands to the performing mechanics or switches that change the mode of operation of the system or its individual parts. Regulators can be assembled on the basis of analog logic circuits or consist of digital technology with software;
Executive mechanics. It includes various drives, controls, switches and other mechanisms that implement commands from controllers to change certain parameters of ventilation operation. This can be an automatic supply ventilation valve, a servo drive, a current cut-off switch, a speed controller for the rotor of an electric motor, etc.
Executive mechanics. It includes various drives, controls, switches and other mechanisms that implement commands from controllers to change certain parameters of ventilation operation. This can be an automatic supply ventilation valve, a servo drive, a current cut-off switch, a speed controller for the rotor of an electric motor, etc.
A set of functions that automation performs:

Control and adjustment of the fan speed;
Control of return water temperature and protection of heaters from freezing;
Control of indoor air parameters and implementation of strategic management of the system based on the indicators of its main product - the microclimate inside the facility;
Indication of the degree of contamination of the air purification filters, and notification of the operator about the need to replace them;
Putting the system or its individual parts into a "sleep" mode by turning off unused capacities, as well as activating "sleeping" nodes, if necessary;
Protection of motors, conductors and electronics against overloads and short circuits;
Indication of the state of the system and its modes of operation with the output of signals to the display, manual control and adjustment using various organs and software.
Created: January 29 2022
Was online february 12 15:56
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1 837 rub
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