Wheelchair 110 000 ₸


Created: May 31 2022
Wheelchair Туздыбастау - photo 1
Wheelchair Туздыбастау - photo 2
Wheelchair Туздыбастау - photo 3
Wheelchair Туздыбастау - photo 4
Address: Туздыбастау, Kazakhstan
Wheelchair of the company Dos ortopedia silver 350 model. In the presence of 2 models, the difference in size is one 45 the other 48. Not unpacked, new, not useful. Each 110000 SILVER 350 is a simple but functional wheelchair made of high quality metal. The wheelchair is equipped with removable rear wheels and cast front wheels, folding armrests, folding and removable footrests. A universal model for use both outdoors and indoors, it is easily controlled by both the user and the accompanying person. The package includes a pump, anti-tilt and anti-decubitus pillow
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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110 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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