Cleaning of apartments in Temirtau

Cleaning of apartments in Temirtau

Created: May 18 2022
Cleaning of apartments in Temirtau Temirtau - photo 1
Address: Temirtau, Kazakhstan
If you are tired or sorely lacking time, then we will help you in this matter. WITH YOU CLEANER WITH ME CLEANNESS. ) GENERAL KITCHEN SEPARATELY 5000!! (cleaning of tiles, microwave oven, complete cleaning of the headset outside and inside, complete removal of fat (as far as possible), mopping. (the rest at the request of the client) 1-room, wet 4000 Gen. 6000 Total kill from .12000 3-room, wet 6000 Total kill from .15000 and above depending on the complexity of 4-room, wet 7000 Total kill from 17000. !!Windows are not included in the total amount!! Small window 1500 s two sides Large 1700 Separately remove the balcony 1500 without windows outside the windows 2000 BUT the price may vary depending on the complexity.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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