Heavy Duty Trailer 550 000 ₸

Heavy Duty Trailer

Created: May 20 2022
Heavy Duty Trailer Temirtau - photo 1
Heavy Duty Trailer Temirtau - photo 2
Heavy Duty Trailer Temirtau - photo 3
Heavy Duty Trailer Temirtau - photo 4
Address: Temirtau, Kazakhstan
I will sell a trailer for a car, self-made on a leaf spring, increased load capacity, springs from a Muscovite, Polyurethane bushings will not be erased, hubs from priors, new iron disks with rubber, dimensions 2.5 meters long * 1.65 width, 550,000 bargaining... 87015300196
Created: May 20 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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550 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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