heavy duty compressor 27 555 rub

heavy duty compressor

Created: May 27 2022
heavy duty compressor Temirtau - photo 1
heavy duty compressor Temirtau - photo 2
heavy duty compressor Temirtau - photo 3
heavy duty compressor Temirtau - photo 4
Address: Temirtau, Kazakhstan
super-compressor air compressor. AK150SV. gives out 150 atmospheres. with central lubrication. 1500 rpm. the drive motor is installed 3 or 4 kv. Compressor almost new worked very little. such compressors are installed in military equipment. tanks. bmp. btr. in the planes. at the plants of the installation for pumping cylinders with carbon dioxide. high pressure. You need a 3kv motor to run it.
Created: May 27 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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27 555 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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