Private boarding house for the elderly

Private boarding house for the elderly

Created: May 18 2022
Private boarding house for the elderly Temirtau - photo 1
Private boarding house for the elderly Temirtau - photo 2
Private boarding house for the elderly Temirtau - photo 3
Private boarding house for the elderly Temirtau - photo 4
Address: Temirtau, Kazakhstan
A private boarding house for the elderly is taking care of your loved one. Comfortable conditions, 5 meals a day, medical examination, entertainment, 24/7 care and much more. If you are facing difficulties in caring for your loved one, we provide a wide range of services. Your loved one will be in good hands, courteous staff, tailored meals, hygiene, 24/7 care. We have new apartments, walking areas, theme nights and much more. We provide for a long-term and daily stay (in case you are going on vacation, a business trip, etc.) We also have VIP apartments for 1 and 2 people. Visit at any time, video surveillance, video connection. We will provide decent care for your loved one (after a stroke condition, dementia, Alzheimer and others) For more information, please call 87764161085
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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