Climbers all types of high-altitude work

Climbers all types of high-altitude work

Created: May 18 2022
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 1
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 2
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 3
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 4
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 5
Climbers all types of high-altitude work Temirtau - photo 6
Address: Temirtau, Kazakhstan
We carry out all types of high-rise works cleaning of snow and icicles. Window washing. Repair.Facade. slopes. seams. Balconies. Painting the roofs of the private sector and cottages, etc. Installing the profiled sheet. Resolin roofing. Sawed trees. We clean the wells. Emergency door opening. 87077201314 whatsapp
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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