Listing removed from published February 1


Created: January 23 2024
Kind of work: Full time job 
Type of employment: Full-time work 
Ensuring timely and high-quality implementation by the construction organization of contracts, contracts, and obligations.
Management, in accordance with current legislation, of the economic and financial activities of a construction organization.
Determination of measures and methods for solving problems of the construction organization subordinate to him.
Control and provision:
- compliance with the law in the activities of a construction organization;
- timely payment of established taxes and fees;
- the correct combination of economic and administrative methods of management;
- unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues;
- moral and material incentives to improve the quality of construction work;
- application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the entire team;
- payment of wages on time.
Issuing orders (instructions) in all areas of activity of a construction organization.
Organization of accounting and provision of reporting on the activities of the construction organization to the owner.
Taking measures to provide a construction organization with qualified personnel, the rational use of their professional knowledge and experience, and the creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health.
Taking measures to comply with environmental protection legislation when performing construction work.
3.9. Control for:
- rational use of material, technical and labor resources, reducing costs and improving the quality of construction work;
- compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety regulations when performing construction work.
In accordance with labor legislation and the established procedure, the hiring and dismissal of employees.
Application of measures to encourage or impose penalties on employees, creating conditions for their professional growth.
Approval of internal labor regulations, vacation schedules, job descriptions, production instructions and other organizational and legal documents.
Coordination of the activities of divisions (services) of a construction organization.
Determination of pricing policy in the field of construction work.
Together with the workforce, based on the principles of social partnership, ensuring the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor discipline, promoting the development of work motivation, initiative and activity of workers in a construction organization.
Created: January 23 2024
Холдинг Гранд Строй Инвест
Was online january 2 14:09
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