Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement.

Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement.

Created: May 12 2022
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 1
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 2
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 3
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 4
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 5
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 6
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 7
Repair of engines, motors and running gear of cars. Motor replacement. Taraz - photo 8
Address: Taraz, Kazakhstan
STO Avtokar provides the following services: Repair of gasoline and diesel engines toyota, lexus, subaru, audi, mercedes benz and TD. - Engine overhaul - Minor repairs - antifreeze leak elimination - thermostat replacement - pump replacement - timing belt replacement - cylinder head gasket replacement - engine replacement - gearbox replacement - chain replacement - valve seal replacement - head milling - block milling - oil change - timing replacement chains - replacement of the main oil seal - replacement of the frontal oil seal - replacement of stoves - repair of the running gear - replacement of shock absorbers - replacement of springs - replacement of the ball bearing - steering tips - silent blocks - We do it qualitatively. We give a guarantee. STO Avtokar Address: 6 lane 16, on the street. Sypatai batyr, near POSH, one hundred Asia service, salizhan We post all the work on Instagram auto_service_taraz The exact route can be found in Google maps "one hundred Avtokar" Yandex maps "one hundred Avtokar"
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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