Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent

Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent

Created: May 18 2022
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 1
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 2
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 3
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 4
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 5
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 6
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 7
Extraction hole, diamond drilling, air vent Taraz - photo 8
Address: Taraz, Kazakhstan
We make holes in the wall with PROFESSIONAL DIAMOND EQUIPMENT, DIFFERENT DIAMETERS FROM 27MM TO 350MM and more are AVAILABLE, for kitchen hoods and ventilation, we do it carefully in burnt brick, adobe, sand block, cinder block, concrete, reinforced concrete and so on. Even if you have already completed repairs in your house or apartment, we can carefully make a hole in the wall for the hood! Each object is individual, not everywhere it turns out where there is concrete. PRICES ARE NEGOTIATED, FROM 8000TG (diameter 112mm-120mm-132mm).
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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