Competent tiler!

Created: May 18 2022
Competent tiler! Taraz - photo 1
Competent tiler! Taraz - photo 2
Address: Taraz, Kazakhstan
S?lemetsizbe! men sіz ?ala?an design tile?іzd zhabystyryp bermіn, nemese men sіzge tegin design ?synamyn. Kez kelgen ?iyndy?ta?s ?abyr?a?and nemese edenge zhabystyra bermiz. Kez kelgen ua?ytta zvandasa?yzdar bolada Hello! I will glue your tiles to the design you want or I will give you a free design. We stick to the wall or floor of any complexity. You can call anytime
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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