PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol.

PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol.

Created: May 18 2022
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 1
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 2
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 3
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 4
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 5
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 6
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 7
PENOIZOL. Insulation of the roof and walls of the house with Penoizol. Taldykorgan - photo 8
Address: Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan
It is better to see our Instagram channel penoizolkz or penoizol_taldykurgan once. There we tell in detail and show about our work on insulation with Penoizol. We insulate roofs. Mansards. Any designs with liquid Penoizol. Air passes through structures insulated with foam insulation. At the same time, the humidity in the room is regulated by itself, without outside influence. Living in such a house is very comfortable - with a constant supply of fresh air, as well as an optimal ratio of heat and moisture. Properties of penoizol: Penoizol is an environmentally friendly, breathable material - air circulates freely, and excess moisture goes out. Resistant to aggressive environments, rodents, insects, microorganisms, as well as fungal infections. The insulation is not combustible - it is not able to maintain self-combustion, and when exposed to high temperatures it does not emit harmful substances. Save with insulation - full thermal insulation can significantly reduce heating costs (especially for large warehouses), and filling costs will quickly pay off. Long service life of the insulation - in accordance with the tests carried out, the service life of this insulation is from 50 to 80 years. We accept orders only above 100 squares.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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