3-room apartment 700 ₸

3-room apartment

Created: May 31 2022
3-room apartment Taldykorgan - photo 1
Address: Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan
Yellow neocaridines are bright yellow in color and are descended from wild-colored heteropod neocardines. Females are distinguished by a more intense color; at birth, the shrimp has no color and only acquires it during maturation. A variant of the yellow shrimp is the amber shrimp, which is not bright yellow, but amber in color. These shrimp are easy to keep and can be kept by beginner aquarists. Maintenance Yellow shrimps can perfectly exist in water of any hardness, they do not need special care, and they are unpretentious. They need harder water after the molt is over so that they can form a new shell. If the water is too soft, the shrimp may die without growing a new shell. These shrimps produce new offspring almost continuously, so they need periodic feeding in the form of cottage cheese or calcined tablets. In order for these shrimp to breed successfully, the water in the aquarium must be clean, not contaminated with leftover food residues that cause an increase in the amount of nitrates in the water. Therefore, shrimp do not need to be overfed, and the water in the aquarium should be changed weekly by one third of the volume. For mechanical purification of water from turbidity, it is necessary to install a filter in the aquarium
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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