3-room apartment 500 ₸

3-room apartment

Created: May 31 2022
3-room apartment Taldykorgan - photo 1
Address: Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan
The cherry barb (Puntius titteya) is an inhabitant of the stagnant and slowly flowing waters of the island of Sri Lanka. The bottom of such reservoirs is usually covered with dark silt, and the clear water, from fallen leaves, has a brown tint. Unlike other related species, cherry barbs are more cautious and prefer to stand in the shade of aquatic vegetation most of the time or stay in shelters, among snags and stones. The species was brought to Russia in 1959, where it was soon successfully bred. The cherry barb has an elongated, slightly laterally compressed body. The profile of the back is somewhat arched. The main background of the body is raspberry. The scales are separated from each other by clear black dots. The high back smoothly merges into the dorsal fin. At the corners of the mouth is a pair of antennae. The brown back has a greenish tint, and the belly and sides are silvery with a reddish sheen.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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