Wholesale goods directly from China 2 000 ₸

Wholesale goods directly from China

Created: May 30 2022
Wholesale goods directly from China Талас - photo 1
Wholesale goods directly from China Талас - photo 2
Wholesale goods directly from China Талас - photo 3
Wholesale goods directly from China Талас - photo 4
Address: Талас, Kazakhstan
We deliver all goods from China. Delivery time 15-25 days. We do not take payment for a place for a period of time. You only pay per kg. We deliver furniture. Everything else can be ordered. Shoes on photo 2000 tg. Wholesale from 2 pieces above. Sizes 35-40 Subscribe to our Instagram bayan_sulu_shopping
Created: May 30 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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2 000 ₸
Was online december 9 11:52
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