Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), GOST 9805-84 6.30 rub

Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), GOST 9805-84

Created: February 14 2022
Address: Sterlitamak, Russia
SNGP-SPb LLC expresses its respect and hereby confirms the possibility of supplying the following products Isopropyl alcohol to your details. Used in the paint and varnish, chemical, oil refining and aviation industries. In addition, isopropyl alcohol is used in printing, medical, furniture, food, wood chemical, and perfume industries. Density 0.785-0.786, clear liquid. Transportation: By rail and road transport (delivery by the Seller's transport is possible).
Created: February 14 2022
Was online february 10 07:23
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6.30 rub
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Was online february 10 07:23
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