Taxi, salon 6 places, parcels, Astana, Borovoye and other directions

Taxi, salon 6 places, parcels, Astana, Borovoye and other directions

Created: July 15 2022
Taxi, salon 6 places, parcels, Astana, Borovoye and other directions Stepnogorskoye - photo 1
Address: Stepnogorskoye, Kazakhstan
Taxi only salon up to 6 people Astana - 18,000, Akkol - 12,000, Schuchinsk - 20,000, Borovoye - 25,000, Parcels. Other directions by agreement Tel: 8 7787317497, 8 701 616 76 28
Created: July 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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