
Created: November 13 2023
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Urgently! Selling a Subaru Legacy in excellent condition. The car after complete painting. Huge roomy interior and trunk. A contract engine has been installed. Works great; rides super; oil strictly from change to change; There are no knocking sounds. I've owned the car for over a year. In winter it starts easily without any heating. All-wheel drive works great. It is possible that the axle differential may be locked. Goes wherever you want. Installed half-rate 2 cm; who likes it below, remove it and there will be style. Chemical cleaning of the entire interior was done 3 months ago; It's certainly dusty now. On the chassis, all the racks were replaced; all sorts of traction ball ends; the alignment was done. The car was driving smoothly; but a bit harsh like the GT; but it steers perfectly. After painting, the windshield was immediately replaced. Oils in the front and rear gearboxes were replaced. Oil in the box. Heater hoses were replaced with silicone; antifreeze was replaced. A new main radiator was installed; the final bank was replaced with a contract from Forester. I drive a car every day; call, write, I’ll answer, I’ll tell you, I’ll show you.
Created: November 13 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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