Pressure cooker Golden Happiness

Pressure cooker Golden Happiness

Created: November 17 2023
A pressure cooker is a saucepan for quick cooking. Reduces time by up to 70%. So; large meat cook for 30 minutes. and all the meat is ready to eat. And other vegetables; pasta; chicken's meat; fish; light cereals 5-10 min. Hard grains like beans; Uzbek nokat is cooked for 20 minutes. You can have pilaf and manti in 10 minutes. The taste of the food is great; Due to the hermetically sealed lid, the steam inside the cauldron remains inside and the food ripens quickly. You can also cook canned fish in a jar. Even a liter jar fits. Overall, this is a MIRACLE. Used on gas; electric stove and any fireplace. Good quality If you like it; then write or call: 87******303
Created: November 17 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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