Pressure cooker ARSHIA 6 liters (Germany)

Pressure cooker ARSHIA 6 liters (Germany)

Created: November 17 2023
A pressure cooker can be called a turbomachine among kitchen appliances. It cooks food faster and more gently; than in a regular saucepan. But why? What exactly helps reduce cooking time? And is it true that during steam processing more vitamins and nutrients are retained in products? than with standard cooking? “The pressure in the container is decisive for faster cooking of the dish”; - explains Michaela Schlich from the Department of Nutrition and Consumer Education at the University of Koblenz-Landau. Pressure cooker valve Pressure cooker valve The pressure cooker valve eliminates the possibility of water evaporation; appearing during cooking. By holding water inside the container, the same pressure is achieved; as when diving to a depth of 10 meters. “Higher pressure acts on the molecules of vegetables and other foods and softens them faster”; - says Schlich. But this does not destroy the molecules - this would make the vegetables mushy. Instead, pressure weakens the structure of molecules and tissues; explains the expert. Some ingredients; such as starch; change shape more easily; due to which food cooks faster. Higher pressure also changes the temperature in the container. Under normal conditions, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and cannot get hotter after that. As pressure increases, water needs more heat to boil. And for the water to boil; the temperature in the pressure cooker should be between 110 and 116 degrees; that is, cooking in a pressure cooker takes place in hotter conditions; than with conventional cooking. Hot water steam transfers its heat to products more efficiently; than dry air. This is easy to check; if you put your hand in a dry oven preheated to 100 degrees; and then hold it over a pan of boiling water: the air in the oven will be pleasantly warm; and the water vapor will be so hot; that can scald. Higher pressure and temperature, together with water steam, create the conditions necessary for quick cooking. “Depending on the amount of food, time savings range from 30 to 50 percent”; - explains Schlich. Vitamins are preserved despite pressure and heat. But if it’s hotter in a pressure cooker; Are vitamins disappearing? Or indeed true; that this method of cooking is more gentle on nutrients? "Yes; It's right"; - Shlikh answers. The process of cooking under high pressure is less destructive for the products: they do not lie in water; and are processed with steam. "Instead of; to disappear into the broth; water-soluble vitamins B and C remain unharmed”; - says Schlich. Besides this; When cooking begins, all the oxygen escapes through the pressure cooker valve. It is displaced by water vapor becoming denser. Exposure to oxygen damages many vitamins; including vitamin C; they just fall apart. They are preserved in the almost oxygen-free atmosphere of the pressure cooker. While; just like regular cooking of broccoli destroys 90 percent of vitamin C; when cooking in a pressure cooker, more than 50 percent of this vitamin is saved. In the case of fat-soluble beta-carotene A; which is contained in carrots; another effect is triggered: high pressure releases this provitamin from the vegetable cells; making it more accessible to us. “After cooking in a pressure cooker, carrots have even more beta-carotene; than in its raw form"; - says Schlich. This is also true for vitamin B1; which is found in potatoes.
Created: November 17 2023
Was online january 13 11:19
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