Table tables to order

Table tables to order

Created: May 18 2022
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 1
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 2
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 3
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 4
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 5
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 6
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 7
Table tables to order Shymkent - photo 8
Address: Shymkent, Kazakhstan
?she is? b?lme?izd? s?nіn keltiretin ol table chairs Nege bіzden alu kerek? 1. ?zіmіz ?ndіremіz 2. rent t?lemeymіz 3. Satu adamyn zhaldamaymyz 4. Zhetkіzu ornatu tegin 5. tikels satamyz Sapasyna kelsek 1. Materials zho?ary sapada Mdf materialdan zhasal?an. 2.Italy? T?rkiya boyau ?oldanamyz 3. Packing kez kelgen kala?a shydamdy syrylyp zhyrylmaydy 4. Ua?yt aityl?an k?n_ zhetk_zemіz ?lshemi ?zyndy?s 2m 2.5m 3m 3.5m 4m 4.5m 5m 5.5m ?ala? en?lhem tabylady. Enі standard 120cm Biiktigi standard 75cm Baasy 85000 tenge bastalads - Zhetkіzu ornatu tegіn - vatsap 87022524549 - instagram Bmzhihaz Bіzdі? ?zhym -?z іsіn zha?sy k?redi -mahabbatpen zhaside T?zhiribege kelsek 11 zhyldy? so? al?ys Bata?yzdy alu bіz ?shin ma?yzdy Baylanys tel. 87022524549
Created: May 18 2022
Was online december 9 11:52
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Was online december 9 11:52
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