WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination

WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination

Created: May 13 2022
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 1
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 2
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 3
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 4
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 5
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 6
WITH DEPARTURE | Eyelash extensions and lamination Shymkent - photo 7
Address: Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Girls sign up for eyelashes, I will make your look chic and expressive for a long time. Employment 1.5-2 hours, depending on the density of your cilia. 2d,3d-4000tg 4d,5d-5000tg Additional effect Wet effect, Kylie, Rays, brown eyelashes+1000tg Removal 500tg Curves C and D, L Any length Sock 4-6 weeks Lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows + coloring + Botox as a gift 3000tg 1. Increase in volume and length 30-40% 2. Natural bend 3. The effect lasts from 1 to 1.5 months 4. Does not require correction 5. You can sleep on your face in a pillow, visit a sauna, a bath and a pool ink And that's not all the advantages of the procedure All questions: +77757813330 Departure payment separately (1000-1600tg) Address: Samal 1, Kazieva 1516 near Gaukhar sewing workshop (Ryskulov str.) stop nearby WAIT FOR YOU TO GUEST! Instagram: maryam_salon_shymkent
Created: May 13 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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