Sell Analog mixer Behringer UB1832FX-PRO.New 18 370 rub

Sell Analog mixer Behringer UB1832FX-PRO.New

Created: May 22 2022
Sell Analog mixer Behringer UB1832FX-PRO.New Shymkent - photo 1
Address: Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Behringer UB1832FX-PRO Analog Mixer Low noise 18-channel 2/2-bus 6-mono-channel mixing console with IMP invisible mic preamp>, inserts and phantom power. 4 stereo channels with high headroom. 2 subgroups with one fader, 3 sends and 2 stereo aux returns Volume sliders 130 dB dynamic range 60 dB volume range. THD: less than 0.0007% from 20-20000Hz Powerful, musical-sounding 4-band EQ on each channel and low pass filter on all mono channels 24-bit digital effects processor with 99 effects EQ control range: Low-80Hz + 15 dB Low Mid - 500 Hz + 15 dB Mid -3 kHz + 15 dB High - 12 kHz + 15 dB 4.7 kg
Created: May 22 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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18 370 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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