Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions

Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions

Created: May 18 2022
Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions Shymkent - photo 1
Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions Shymkent - photo 2
Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions Shymkent - photo 3
Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions Shymkent - photo 4
Penoizol insulation, soundproofing of roofs, roofs, attics, partitions Shymkent - photo 5
Address: Shymkent, Kazakhstan
Shatyry? Exit? zhylu? one hundred? yshyns? nasharly?ynan?yі?іz sal?yn w?ne k?herip zhatyr ma? Biz e? o?ai zholyp tapty?.. Toly? consultation alu ?shin myna numberlerge habarlasyp bile alasyzdar 8 705 612 5906 8 705 481 5222 -20-40 zhyl? and deiyn shydamdy - Zhanbaydy, aua? tkyzbeydy. -Ecologists? pelvis ph5-10 PENAIZOL-? onai zholmen zhylytynyz. ?ry shydamdy. Penaizol zha?ada shy?yp zhatyr?an zhylyt?ysh. WARRANTY, QUALITY, PRICE. Insulation of the house with foam insulation Insulation is carried out by filling voids with foam, which then turns into a kind of foam. Filling foam PENOIZOL is a liquid foam, which is produced on a special installation right on the construction site and pumped into hollow structures or poured into prepared formwork. Why is penoizol better than traditional heaters? 1. does not burn: self-burning duration 0 sec., combustibility group - G2, flammability - B2, 2. vapor permeable Your house "breathes", excess moisture in the form of steam escapes, 3. biologically stable in foam insulation there are no fungi, mold, mice and insects, 4. service life - at least 50 years, 3 times the service life of ordinary glass wool, 5. keeps heat better than polystyrene by 8%, better than glass wool by 12%. Benefits of insulating your home with penoizol! Qualitatively! Penoizol does not let winter cold or summer heat into any room. Inexpensive! Using other heaters, you need to pay separately for the material, delivery, installation. By using "liquid foam" to insulate your home, you save on transport and installation. . The construction of walls insulated with penoizol is 1.8 times cheaper than an analog with other heaters.
Created: May 18 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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