Refueling of air conditioners

Refueling of air conditioners

Created: May 12 2022
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 1
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 2
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 3
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 4
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 5
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 6
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 7
Refueling of air conditioners Semey - photo 8
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
Car service AUTOCLIMATE FAMILIES announces the season of refueling car air conditioners open! We fill at a professional level any brand of car Departure for trucks and special equipment. Add oil to lubricate the compressor. Refueling is carried out with certified freon, Diagnostics, leakage test, compressor check and replacement of sealing glands, hoses, compresses. etc. Repair of any complexity! We also bring to your attention the following types of services: Professional cleaning, washing, blowing, soldering, repair and replacement of autoradiators of furnaces both from the inside and outside without removing the panels. Flushing the cooling system. We wash on a professional stand. Mechanical cleaning of the furnace radiator is also available. QUALITY GUARANTEE for the work done. We are glad to see you in our car service. Our address is Selevina 52A for 5 baths, the district of New buildings.
Created: May 12 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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