Tourmaline Facial Mask 4 000 ₸

Tourmaline Facial Mask

Created: May 31 2022
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 1
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 2
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 3
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 4
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 5
Tourmaline Facial Mask Semey - photo 6
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
1. Strengthens and restores collagen fibers in the skin. 2. Gives facial muscles tone. 3. Improves the process of blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. 4. Makes age spots and freckles much lighter. 5. Tightens the contour of the face. 6. Enhances the effect of anti-wrinkle creams and serums. 7. Eliminates puffiness and relieves inflammation of the skin. Very good and high quality product, convenient, comfortable, efficient. Are available. Delivery across the city is free, delivery across Kazakhstan.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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