Rent a warm box 367.40 rub

Rent a warm box

Created: April 30 2022
Rent a warm box Semey - photo 1
Rent a warm box Semey - photo 2
Rent a warm box Semey - photo 3
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
Rent a warm box in Pos. Eastern size 18.8 m-12 m, ceiling height 4.5 meters, gate 3.2 m possible long-term lease, convenient check-in. You can open a Hundred, Car Wash, Furniture Shop, etc. Repair and please do not call for a couple of hours. If overnight, then from 18.00 to 09.00. Passenger cars -2000 tons, Gazelle -3000 tons, medium buses 4000 tons.
Created: April 30 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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367.40 rub
Was online january 13 11:19
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