
Created: June 5 2022
   year Semey - photo 1
   year Semey - photo 2
   year Semey - photo 3
   year Semey - photo 4
   year Semey - photo 5
   year Semey - photo 6
   year Semey - photo 7
   year Semey - photo 8
   year Semey - photo 9
   year Semey - photo 10
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
OTS machine, both from the inside and from the outside. All documents are in hand. Call, write to those who know a lot about this. I do not get rid of in connection with the current circumstances. Bargain!!! The exchange is more expensive.
Created: June 5 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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