Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively!

Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively!

Created: May 17 2022
Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively! Semey - photo 1
Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively! Semey - photo 2
Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively! Semey - photo 3
Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively! Semey - photo 4
Plastic slopes for windows and doors! Qualitatively! Semey - photo 5
Address: Semey, Kazakhstan
Installation of plastic slopes on windows (10000-14000 tenge) and doors (metal and wooden, entrance and balcony) (from 11000 to 20000 tenge). And also window sills, ebbs, mosquito nets for windows (from 3000 tenge) and balcony doors (10500 tenge)! Quality, neat! Installation of opening limiters, stepped ventilation (analogous to "complex" opening - 1500 tenge. Child protection: a handle with a key -3000 tenge, as well as a "baby stop" with a key (ventilation possibility) -4000 tenge, installation of an anti-burglary device (3000 tenge) .
Created: May 17 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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